Monday, October 11, 2010

Presentations 2.0

TED Conferences are quite fascinating! I like how Innovative information is presented in plain English, to a lay audience like me. A few presentations I've watched managed to blow my mind.  The presenter, the visuals, the stories-- all work together to create a feeling of wonder. Well-designed TED presentations have a few common characteristics:
  • charismatic presenters
  • great storytelling/content
  • visual information/acting
When you look at the history, it's no wonder TED Conferences are so well thought-out. TED was originally founded by Richard Saul Wurman, the very father of information design!

Here are some TED Conference Presentations you wouldn't want to miss:

Learning From De-Motivational Posters

"The great thing about books is sometimes they have fantastic pictures."

~George W. Bush

No one has patience for large chunks of text these days. Then again you might not want to look at pictures without any words either (Ikea instructions anyone?). However, when you combine them properly to produce something that neither words nor pictures can communicate on their own, something magical happens...

We can learn a lot from De-Motivational Posters. Here are some of my favorites:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Lorem Ipsum Generator

Lorem Ipsum
Most of can't figure out how to randomly generate large chunks of text when we need to input something into our layout (just for testing). In comes the Lorem Ipsum Generator. It's what graphic designers have been using for years! Say hello to your new best friend. The Lorem Ipsum Generator generates random chunks of text in Latin. No distracting, biased content!

Here is a sample:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et risus augue, eget tincidunt dui. Nam sit amet libero sit amet mi semper mollis in nec libero. Mauris ac mauris odio, hendrerit pretium erat. Aliquam nec sem nec metus tempor suscipit. Donec nec turpis felis. Etiam urna sem, aliquet sed laoreet a, faucibus at orci. Sed gravida nibh at quam facilisis quis volutpat nisl ultricies. Fusce ullamcorper, sapien nec vulputate interdum, nibh leo pretium risus, quis venenatis sapien elit volutpat sapien. Ut sit amet mauris erat, nec venenatis orci. Donec at nisl non ante posuere accumsan. Fusce dictum dignissim varius.

Aliquam orci ipsum, rhoncus eget semper sed, semper id nulla. Donec erat turpis, bibendum quis sagittis ac, porta sit amet ligula. Donec pretium justo et justo dignissim ultrices. Aliquam at mollis lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi ultrices velit sed nisl tempus laoreet. Vivamus vel leo nunc, a ornare purus. Maecenas vitae aliquam dolor. Quisque dictum sollicitudin imperdiet. Curabitur vitae velit nunc, sed sodales metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla aliquet interdum quam vel auctor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum hendrerit ante at nisl ultrices elementum.

Duis nec justo enim, a congue eros. Quisque aliquet ultrices nunc ullamcorper facilisis. Sed pretium tortor at eros ultrices nec dapibus tortor commodo. Proin felis lacus, ultricies non semper id, auctor et turpis. Sed vehicula eros sed erat auctor mattis. Cras lectus nunc, iaculis consectetur porttitor vitae, mattis at felis. Sed tortor orci, auctor et luctus at, sollicitudin in urna. Cras quam diam, egestas ac laoreet eu, elementum at lacus. Nulla elit neque, vehicula euismod pretium commodo, bibendum et nulla. Sed sodales, erat eget accumsan fringilla, enim dolor facilisis turpis, et condimentum ligula est id libero. Duis arcu enim, bibendum id ornare sed, viverra nec lorem. Ut dapibus fermentum purus, vel ullamcorper risus ultricies sed. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris tellus ante, vestibulum vel fermentum hendrerit, molestie ac tortor. Vestibulum quis dignissim libero. Proin ut tincidunt massa. Quisque tortor augue, mollis id molestie eu, tempus in nunc. Suspendisse tristique tincidunt dolor, ut auctor risus tempor eget. Praesent eget interdum lorem. Aliquam porta nunc eu tellus facilisis dictum.

Charts With Stats

We often have to organize information using charts. Forget Excel though, ChartsBin is a far more interesting application! You can even interpret your data using a word map! What's even more interesting is looking through charts already created by users.

World Suicide Rates: If you're in the country with the most, you'll know which one you need to immigrate to:

Current Worldwide Suicide Rate

Most Pirated Movies of 2009: Look, they can do bar charts too!

Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of 2009

Historical Population of the World: Why does the graph end in 2049? Foreshadowing?

Historical Population of World, 1 AD to Future

The Largest Oil Spils in History: Here are the culprits:

The Largest Oil Spills in History, 1901 to Present

Historical Oil Production by Region: MMmMmm, got oil?

Historical Oil Production by Region, 1965 to Present

Composition of the Universe: Finally, a pie-chart!

Composition of the Universe

As you can see, this application offers very interesting visuals based on the data you input. However, don't forget to pay attention to the data itself. Where did you get it from? What's the source? What kind of sample is it based on?

Word Clouds

You may be seeing Twitter "word-clouds" in Vancouver's 24 Hours daily newspaper. It's a fairly "new" phenomenon but I had been using the Wordle application for quite awhile now.

Wordle lets you paste large chunks of text, and outputs a customizable word-cloud based on the settings you chose. It normally makes reoccurring words bigger than others. The most creative part is being able to control the word cloud's color scheme, the type of fonts it uses, and its layout (or its randomness).

Words are no longer boring, linear words, they can show patterns, look visually appealing, and can nearly compete with visuals!

Here are a few examples I have found posted by users on Flickr:
day1-2_wordle_Picture 2


Other misc

Wordle of the "About Us" section on the Burnley College Website.

xGW Wordle

Wordcloud for RecSysTEL (paper Drachsler) Wordle

As you can see, each word cloud has its own unique flavour! Time to grab a chunk of text and make your own. How about a report you wrote?

Web 2.0: The Importance of Hyperlinks

With online documentation, being able to hyperlink is the single most important advantage of this medium. It offers a complex way of navigating through information. However, the type of content you write will have to change; linearity is out of fashion!